Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Thinking of Spring

I stayed in for lunch today. I'm trying to be frugal and not buy lunch out every day. So I brought leftover tortellini today. It was ok - I'm not a big fan of leftovers. But instead of spending my lunch hour running around I have time to read email and post on my blog.

It's a cold and windy day here. Well -- not that cold compared to other places in the US but cold to us. It's about 35 but very damp and the wind makes it feel much colder.

I saw primroses at the grocery store over the weekend. That always makes me smile because it means that Spring will soon be here. That is the wonderful thing about living in Western WA -- Spring comes early. By the first of March we'll have daffodils blooming. I already saw some poking through the ground on one side of my porch. That got me to thinking that in the Fall I'm going to put lots of bulbs around my porch. The apartment complex that I live in has the nicest landscaping - lots of bushes and trees. It almost looks like a park.

It's going to be fun to see what blooms and comes up near my porch. I have lots of plans for my container garden. I'm on the north side of the building so I will be able to have shade plants. I love that kinds of gardening. Hostas -- love them. I have two pots of hostas that need to be divided. And I plan on adding more. I'll plant impatiens and other shade loving flowers. I have an old wooden orchard ladder leaning in one corner of my porch. It needs some type of vine climbing on it but I'm not sure what would work well with limited sunlight. Think I'll have to Google that one.

I checked my counter today and I've had over 5500 visitors to my blog. It amazes me how many people visit each day. Thank you for stopping by! I'd love for you to leave comments so that I know who you are! Getting comments on your blog is as exciting as getting an email or a card in the mail.

In fact, I think that I'll do a drawing again. I'm going to do a Spring Fling contest post so leave a comment about what you love about Spring in the contest post and I'll draw on Sunday evening. But you must put a post about the Spring contest on your blog and link back to my blog. The winner will get something with a Spring theme. I'll think about what I want to do and then I'll post a picture - it will be handmade of course.

Have a great day!!

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