Here's my sweet daughter Stephany. She is very artsy, dresses funky, loves black, has 2 piercings in her lip, and loves to listen to weird music (what teenager doesn't love weird music)! For a long time all this bugged me no end - especially the piercings. But I came to realize that you have to pick your battles. I've come to accept that Stephany is her own person and loves being different.
Yesterday we had to go to Battle Ground so Steph could get her new glasses ordered. I figured since we were out there I'd take a side trip to Old Town and visit the Vintage Gathering Christmas Emporium. This kind of event is something that I absolutely love and have not done enough of it for a long time. Anything vintage, cottage, shabby, pink and roses is right up my alley.
Steph and I stepped inside the store and both of us went crazy! I knew that Steph liked some things vintage - she loved her sister's store in Camas when she used to go there. But yesterday I saw a side of Steph that I never knew existed. She told me that when she gets her first apartment she wants to decorate it in cottage and vintage style!! Then she Tweeted that she'd love to have an antique store some day! A girl after my own heart (actually she had my heart from the first minute I laid eyes on her)!
On the way home we talked about how much fun it would be to have a store again. I told her that it was a big undertaking and the finances just weren't there for it right now. However, we could start junking again, re-do treasures, do sales, and maybe have a booth somewhere. Stephany was so excited! That's all she's talked about since yesterday. How much fun is this going to be to have a "partner in crime" to go to sales with!
Just when you think you know someone - especially your own child - they go and surprise you. This is going to be such fun!!