My beautiful granddaughter Emma was born on July 26th!! She is a tiny little thing and only weighed 5 lbs when she was born but she and her mama are doing fine!! She now weighs 5 lbs 11 ozs. Emma is like a breath of fresh air in our family and we have all needed that.
The same day that Emma was born we left for Yakima for 3 days of family therapy at Stephany's treatment facility. I wanted to wait at the hospital to meet my new grandbaby and she waited until 6:17 pm to arrive. I held her for 5 minutes and then left because we had a 4 hour drive ahead of us.
The therapy went very well and Steph's dad and I were able to tell all the things that her use has done to us and to our family. One thing that we learned is that our whole family has been sick - not just her. It was a very helpful 3 days and opened our eyes to many things. Especially that we are not alone in this as the room was filled with 20 other families going through the very same thing. My heart just broke for the families - many were adult patients who had a wife or husband attending as the family member.
Steph graduated from her treatment on August 5th and is now back home. She has had 38 days of sobriety and is doing so well. She attends 3 outpatient groups a week and has been going to AA meetings. That has been her decision and is a huge step in her recovery. There is still a long way for her to go but we take it one day at a time!