I got this rose on Friday, put it in a vintage milk glass vase, and plunked it down on the dining room table. Yes, I plunked it! I'm not very good at arranging groupings of items together so I tend to just stick things wherever.
As I was picking up the house today I was passing the dining room table, looked over, and thought what a cool picture the rose and my strawberry pitcher and basket would make. So I snapped it -- using as much natural light as I had and no flash (I've been reading how to take better digital pictures on the internet) -- and this is how it turned out.
The red just does something to cheer me up. It makes me feel happy. And the strawberries remind me that June will be here soon and it will be time to pick berries.
I love the vintage 50's tablecloth too. I bought this from my dear friend Patricia at our Spring sale. I was going to use it for a pillow or purse but the cloth kept begging to be put on my dining room table.
Happy, happy colors for a beautiful Pacific NW day!