Sunday, December 16, 2007

My Prayer Journal

Do you keep a journal or prayer journal? I do, although I admit I'm not consistently writing in it every day. My book is just one of those plain jane composition books that I snagged at the office supply store. I have several others that I've almost filled.

Last night I was sitting on my bed preparing to write for that day. I decided to take the time to go back and read through the journal since we're nearing the end of the year.

I read my prayer list and all those that I've prayed for this past year. Some needs are still on the list with new added all the time. But many have highlighted lines through them and praise comments in the margin! Those praises I saw reminded me of how God truly does answer our prayers. Often times we pray and pray thinking that there has been no response. Or something that we had been praying for gets moved down the list as other things are added. Writing the answers helps us to know that God is working!

Some of those answers weren't exactly what had been prayed for. But God did answer in a way that was His will. Many were exactly right on. When I read these praises it just warmed my heart with love. Think of the millions of whispers of prayers that God hears every day. But He takes the time to listen to each whisper!

God is so good, so faithful -- what a blessing knowing that He is my Father and He listens to every whisper that I pray. I am excited to start my new journal for 2008 and watch what God will be doing in my life and others lives!


Unknown said...

Kay, what a lovely post! I too keep a prayer jounal and like you don't write in it each day, but I love to look back and to see most have been answered in their own way, his way. I love to journal and plan to do more of it, what keepsakes we leave behind!

Kay-The Rustic Cottage said...

Sue - when I write in my journals I think of how someday my grandkids or great-grandkids will read them. I hope that it will help them to "know" me and will be a witness to them of my walk with Christ. Thank you for always leaving such lovely comments.


Darlene said...

Hello again:) Forgot to tell you how pretty this new look is, you are so creative! Some day I'll learn how to do all this...or not:)
After reading this post I am definitely starting a prayer journal. That's exactly what I need now....did you know that I've been talking with our Lord? I started a journal after Missy passed and it's complete now. I've tried starting a new journal but everything kept turning out wrong. I've been asking what direction am I suppose to take. Once again I received the answer I needed from you. What a blessing you are to me..thank you.
Hugs from Kansas