Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Senior Moment

I was working at the computer this afternoon when I heard my cell phone ringing. I looked by the computer - no phone. I looked on the counter - no phone. I looked by my favorite chair in the living room - no phone. All the while the darned thing is still ringing. Just about the time I was ready to give up looking I found it!

It was in my pocket!


Sue said...


Senior moments are not my favorite topic. LOL Jim and I crack each other up when we look at each other periodically and say, "why did I come in this room?"

Have a GREAT week, Kay!

KathyB. said...

Oh my, that sounds familiar, hmmm..and who put the phone in my pocket anyway? I had to laugh as I tried to track down our cordless phone by following the ringing , only to find it BEHIND the recliner. Now how did it get there anyway?There are only myself and my Hubby here....senior moments!

Bee Haven Bev said...

We all have them, Kay....don't feel bad...happens to me all the time!!

Darlene said...

Oh Kay, that is just toooooo funny!

I lose mine all the time. I have to call myself to find where I left it. I'm in such good company!

Good grief, look at all those I's.


Paula said...

Oh honey, I've looked for my sunglasses for 30 minutes before and them be on the top of my head the whole time...
It's not a "Senior Moment"- just a little brain fart!

Anonymous said...

Yes I have had those moments often..And I am only 36..