Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I've been tagged by Mrs. B at http://herpeculiarlife.blogspot.com/ . I have to tell my 5 favorite things excluding family things. So here goes!

1. First, and foremost, is Jesus! I am grateful every day that He loved me enough to die on the cross for me - even if I was the only person in the whole world!

2. The cool Washington mornings.

3. My morning cup of coffee with Hazlenut creamer.

4. Gardening - flowers, veggies, just about anything you can put in dirt.

5. I love watering - it's my favorite thing to do right after supper when the sun is starting to set and the heat of the day is disappearing. It's my alone time with God.

Now I have to tag 5 people. I hate choosing as I have so many friends with blogs. So if you'd like to participate please leave a comment and let me know! Tag - you're all it!!


Paula said...

Oh I love hearing your 5 things, Kay!
I guess mine would be- 1. Jesus, my Savior, 2. My animals (I think that falls under the family thing, though...)3. Sunrises 4. Rainy days (and especially rainy nights!) 5. my wonderful bloggy friends like you!

Debra said...

Kay, Are you tired of playing tag? Because I got tagged this morning, and I thought of you as one of my tag-ees. I will post the rules tomorrow on my blog, but please don't feel pressured to play-I won't be offended!

Your soap looks so good I can almost smell it!
Take care, Debra

Debra said...

Kay, I'm tagging you, so stop over to get the rules! my favorite things: Jesus , geese, looking at the sky, laughing, and friends! Love, Debra