Grandma Jerry moved into assisted living last week. She turned 95 on Octrober 4th and has been so blessed to be able to live in her own apartment all this time. I went over two days and helped get her moved into her new apartment. We were fortunate enough to have movers but we still had to pack many things. She is all settled in her new place which is very lovely with large windows and a very cozy feeling. It is a two room apartment with a living room and bedroom. She was able to use all of her furniture except for her dining table, a corner hutch, one chair, and the kitchen things.
I was blessed to receive the Kitchenaid mixer that she bought in 1965. It is like brand new! I am just so thrilled because a Kitchenaid has been on my dream list for many years. I have been baking up a storm. I am ordering a dough hook so that I can use it to mix and knead bread. I stand in the kitchen and just look at the mixer, not believing that I finally have one.
Grandma also gave me her gorgeous dining table. I have never had anything so nice in all the years that I've had my own home. Grandma always took such good care of everything that she had and this is no exception. She sent the custom made pads for the top and tablecloths. But the finish is so pretty that I couldn't cover it. I put a simple runner down the middle and put a vintage platter and a rose covered dish in the center. I bought the dish at a sale about 5 years ago - it looks like Limoge but isn't - and now I have a place to display it. It's now time to spruce up the dining room with curtains, pictures, and make a curtain for Justin's bookshelf so all the junk doesn't show!
Missy, Sammy, and Christien are coming over tomorrow evening for supper - we're celebrating Christien's 11th birthday - our whole family will be able to gather around the table together for the very first time. I truly am a blessed person!!
What a blessing for you! I got my KitchenAid , still in the box, for $75 at a garage sale maybe 10-15 years ago. The woman had won it on a game show and didn't want it. Her loss, my gain!
And the table is absolutely beautiful. The Lord is good!
I hope your day was all that you wanted it to be. The table is beautiful, and I know you will love that kitchenaide, I got mine a few years ago and I can't be without it. Florence
The table and hutch are lovely! Enjoy the special meal you have with your family. Your help packing and moving must have been a great blessing!
You got some lovely things from Grandma. I bet she is so pleased that her things will be loved. I know I have a lot of family things and I wouldn't think of parting with them.
Nancy Jo
Its so beautiful, Kay, what a blessing!
I've also wanted a Kitchenaide for years....maybe this will be "the" year, lol.
You'll have to let us know about all the fun things you're making, I'm so happy for you!
How wonderful for you, Kay! It's a beautiful table :)
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