Let me start out by saying that the closet still isn't organized! I've been trying - not too hard - to get that done but the kids keep me busy running or I find some other excuse to put it off. However, I have to get it done tomorrow. About 6 years ago I started making purses and tote bags and selling them on eBay and at craft shows. For about 3 years I did very well on eBay until the market got saturated and the prices came down so much I wasn't even making my labor costs back. So I decided to turn to soapmaking and put the sewing machine away. I had actually gotten burned out on purses and was ready for something new.
Today I got a call from a former customer who wanted to know if I still made purses. I explained that I hadn't sewn any for 3 years. She said that she wanted one and had two gals at her office that wanted to buy too. She told me what she wanted, I told her the price and she paid - I sold 3 purses in a matter of 5 minutes! Now I'm excited to do them and have all kinds of ideas running through my head again. But the closet has to get cleaned out so I can see what supplies I have and what I need to get. Oh darn - an excuse to go to Joanns! LOL!
My purse business has been brought back to life and I'm glad. I needed something to get me out of the funk that I've been in. I've been praying for the Lord's help in this area and He gave me something to do. I will not be selling them on eBay though. I will have them in my Etsy shop and on my website along with soap and other goodies.

I got the cutest John Deere fabric for one of the purses that was ordered (see above) and, of course, had to buy another piece that is pink paisley with the John Deere logo. I love pink! That one I'm going to "girlie up" with rhinestones and ruffles.

But the day gets better! I was able to eat pizza tonight for the first time in a couple of months. I only had one piece because I didn't want to push it but it tasted to good!!! The kids were so excited that we were going to have a Friday pizza night. That used to be our usual Friday night thing. After dinner Steph got invited to spend the weekend with a friend, Justin got invited to spend the weekend with a friend, and the house is quiet. I have two days to myself - no running kids around, no kids coming over - it's going to be great!
I had a phone interview on Thursday with Memorial Hospital in Springfield, IL. They are forwarding my application to the department manager for review and I will know in a week if they want me for an in-person interview. While this is very exciting news, it's also a little daunting. I would have to fly back there for the interview. The cost of a plane ticket is not in my budget so I have been praying about it since Thursday. I believe that the Lord is going to help provide a way through my business here at home! I don't ever expect Him to just hand me money but it sure is nice when He shows you a way to work so He can provide that way. Of course, my family in IL is very excited about the possibility of Steph and I moving back there. We are excited about it too. We just have to get over this one hurdle. God will open the doors if this plan is truly His will for us - I know that with all my heart.
My weekend is going to be good and I hope that yours is too!!