Monday, December 31, 2007
Sale Here and My Etsy Shop
Saturday, December 29, 2007
The Best Day
It's the best day because I found out my dear friend, Elodie, is moving back to WA from Texas. She's been gone for two years and I've missed her so much. She and her husband bought a beautiful home on 5 1/2 acres. Elodie will be here in a month -- I can't wait!
It's the best day because I got to take a short nap today. Everyone was gone so I turned on the Christmas tree and laid on the couch snuggled under an afghan. Very peaceful.
It's the best day just because! No reason -- it's just the best day.
Hope you're day was a best one too!
Monday, December 24, 2007
It's Christmas Eve - A Magical Night!

When I was a young girl this night was when we had a big spaghetti dinner and opened presents. Then on Christmas Day we went to my grandma's nephew's house for dinner. There would be about 30 people there and it was a fun time filled with family and laughter.
Our family is spread out now with us being out here and the rest of the folks being in IL. Stephany is with her dad for Christmas Eve. I am alone with the cats for a while and enjoying the peace. Missy and Christien will be coming over so we can go to Christmas Eve Service at 6 and then back here to watch a movie together.
Tomorrow morning will be stockings and presents, cinnamon rolls and juice, then ham and all the trimmings for dinner. We will celebrate the birth of Christ!
Merry Christmas!!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Christmas Countdown
And tomorrow night, after everyone is in bed, I will play Santa and fill the stockings. All the kids still expect their stocking and look forward to that almost more than the actual presents!
Aunt Jenny shared her Christmas cheese ball recipe on her blog (sound so yummy) so I will share mine here.
(2) 8 ounce pkgs of cream cheese
(2) cups shredded cheddar cheese
(1) pkg onion soup mix
dash of lemon juice
dash of worchestershire sauce
Bring the cream cheese and cheddar cheese to room temp. Add the remaining ingredients. Wash your hands and then dig in and start mixing. Pat into one large ball or several small ones. Serve with crackers. Enjoy!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Logan's Calf - God's Son
Friday, December 21, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Big Sale Coming Up - New Year's Eve
The sale starts here on December 31st at Midnight!! Stop by to see what's listed. First come, first served!!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Happy Birthday Jesus!

Christian Glitter by
You're invited to a Happy Birthday Jesus Blog Party December 13th through the 20th! Just click the Happy Birthday Jesus graphic in the sidebar and you will be taken to Creative Call Studios where you can sign up. Let's spread the word about the true meaning of Christmas!
In God We Still Trust
A dear friend sent this video to me this morning. It touched my heart so much that I had to share it on my blog. The song is by Diamond Rio. Every time they play it at a concert they get a standing ovation. Sadly, it has never been released for play on the radio stations. Evidentally it is not considered politically correct. How wrong they are!! This is the most politically correct song I've heard in years. Be sure to mute the Christmas Music before starting the video.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
My Prayer Journal
Last night I was sitting on my bed preparing to write for that day. I decided to take the time to go back and read through the journal since we're nearing the end of the year.
I read my prayer list and all those that I've prayed for this past year. Some needs are still on the list with new added all the time. But many have highlighted lines through them and praise comments in the margin! Those praises I saw reminded me of how God truly does answer our prayers. Often times we pray and pray thinking that there has been no response. Or something that we had been praying for gets moved down the list as other things are added. Writing the answers helps us to know that God is working!
Some of those answers weren't exactly what had been prayed for. But God did answer in a way that was His will. Many were exactly right on. When I read these praises it just warmed my heart with love. Think of the millions of whispers of prayers that God hears every day. But He takes the time to listen to each whisper!
God is so good, so faithful -- what a blessing knowing that He is my Father and He listens to every whisper that I pray. I am excited to start my new journal for 2008 and watch what God will be doing in my life and others lives!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Christmas Is. . . .
Christmas is giving and caring and loving and kindness. Christmas is coming home from work early to start baking and making goodies to send to friends far away. Christmas is singing along with the music on the radio. Christmas is enjoying the lights on the tree. Christmas is going to your 8 year old grandson's program at school and being a proud grandma. Christmas is going to your 13 year old daughter's program at school and being a proud mom.
The gift of Jesus and the enjoyment of the simple things of this season -- that is Christmas.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
I'm Here!
I've started working 5 days a week now and seems like there aren't enough hours in the day! Today has been Christmas decorating day - the tree is up and looks so pretty. I also listed a few things in my new Prim Sisters Shoppe - Rustic Cottage Prims. Stop by and let me know what you think.
We had a few snow showers today. Lots of big fat flakes for a while but it didn't stick. However, made for a nice atmosphere while putting up the tree. Next week starts my Christmas baking. I have 5 boxes to get out in the mail so I'll be super busy. On top of that there are two programs at the school next week. So - if I'm MIA until next weekend you'll know why.
Hope you all are having a beautiful Lord's Day!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Small Town Living
Hockinson Holiday Bazaar
Friday, November 30, 2007
The Cross In My Wallet
The Cross In My Wallet
I carry a cross in my wallet
A simple reminder to me
Of the fact that I am a Christian
No matter where I may be.
This little cross is not magic
Nor is it a good luck charm
It isn't meant to protect me
From every physical harm.
It's not for identification
For all the world to see
It's simply an understanding
Between my Savior and me.
Whenever I reach for my wallet
To bring out a card or key,
The cross is there to remind me
Of the price He paid for me.
It reminds me, too, to be thankful
For my blessings day by day
And to strive to serve Him better
In all that I do and say.
It's also a daily reminder
Of the peace and comfort I share
With all who know my Master
And give themselves to His care.
So, I carry a cross in my wallet
Reminding no one but me
That Jesus Christ is Lord of my life
If only I'll let Him be.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Kinda Frustrated
Here's the revised version (I still have to add some candles and pillows):
I'm still not 100% happy but it's getting better. Suggestions?
Now I need to go take it all down so the cats won't get in it.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
I have two beautiful daughters and two of the most handsome grandsons. I love them with all my heart. We will all be together tomorrow for dinner at my house. I can't wait!
I am thankful for my dear brother and sister. They are 2000 miles away in Illinois and I miss them so much. Wish I could share this day with both of you!
I am thankful for all my wonderful friends -- those that are close, those that are far away, and those that I've never met in person but only on the internet. You are all such a blessing to me. You continually lift me up and make my heart sing!
I have been blessed with the loveliest home and a great job! God has blessed me with the ability to sew and craft -- my creative outlet that I need so much.
Thank you , thank you Father for all these wonderful blessings!!
I pray that you are surrounded by friends and family on this special day. Enjoy all the wonderful food! Have a wonderful day!
Love and blessings,
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Take This Test
You Are a Realist |
![]() You don't see the glass as half empty or half full. You see what's exactly in the glass. You never try to make a bad situation seem better than it is... But you also never sabotage any good things you have going on. You are brutally honest in your assessments of situations - and this always seems to help you cope. |
Listen to the Experts
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Encouraging Blogger Award

In thinking who to pass this award on to I had a hard time deciding. I have so many wonderful blogger friends who are so encouraging to me. But one special friend came to mind. She and I met in July 2005 on an online forum. We started emailing and have become the closest of friends. I have never met this lovely lady but we have talked many times on the phone and email almost every day. I feel like she is my biggest cheerleader. She is also straight forward with me and, when I ask her advice, she tells me the truth. I appreciate that so much.
This lovely lady is so talented. She has such a flair for decorating and her home is a sweet, welcoming place. I've only seen pictures but can't wait to visit in person. She is also a fabulous cook! The reason I know this is because she always tells me what she's been baking or cooking. She's also a great mom, who in later years in life, took on the responsibility of adopting two beautiful children into her family in addition to the other 5 children that she had already raised.
My dear friend lives on Old Crow Farm in Kansas and if you haven't guessed already it's Sher! You can visit her blog at Old Crow Farm. Sweetie, I am so blessed to have you in my life! Thank you for being such a great friend and such an encouragement to me. You deserve the Encouraging Blogger Award! Love you bunches!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
From Shabby to Primitive
But I love how the prim stuff makes your home feel -- lived in, cozy, comfortable, and inviting. I can still be a Rustic Cottage - in fact, rustic is the whole idea. It's fun to make primitive things too -- you don't have to be perfect (in fact, you shouldn't be) and that's right up my alley. I've been a prisoner of own perfectionist tendencies way too long! Here's a little prim pillow that I made this evening. It's going to be filled with saw dust (an idea from my friend Sher in KS - she's my primitive teacher) and will go in my bazaar booth. If it doesn't sell I have just the place for it in my home! I've still got to "grungy" it up to make it look old. But isn't it cute??
Monday, November 12, 2007
Veteran's Day
Being a veteran was the proudest accomplishment of his whole life. He would talk about being in the Navy a lot and I loved hearing his stories when I was a little girl. They say that war changes a person. I know that it changed my daddy. There were certain things that would make him cry, even after all those years of the war being over. And he never could sit and watch a war movie. It just made him too nervous.
As I was watching TV this morning I saw WWII Vets who were visiting the WWII Memorial in Washington, DC. It was their first time seeing the memorial. Many proudly wore their uniforms, most had on VFW caps, and most all had tears in their eyes because they were overwhelmed.
All veterans are so special. They serve their country and fight so that we can live in a free country. I'm sure you know a vet. Have you thanked them for serving? I was thinking that I never did say thank you to my dad for serving. It's something that I never thought to do and now he's no longer here for me to do that. But I am going to write what I never got the chance to say.
Daddy, thank you for the sacrifice that you made all those years ago when you served in WWII. You left a new wife and a young son who was only 4 months old. When you came home your son was 2 years old. He didn't even know who you were because you had been gone so long. We will never know all the things that you saw or what you had to go through. But you went because it was the right thing to do. You were proud to fight and to serve. I will be forever grateful for your sacrifices so that your family can live in a free country. I love you with all my heart and miss you so much!
Thank you to all the veterans -- past and present! God bless you and God bless America!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Wanna See My Soap?
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Enjoying The Quiet
It is very cold and very foggy tonight. I walked out on my front porch and it was so much darker than normal. We live right outside of town and you can see the lights of the town from my porch. It is still very dark here at night, but when the fog covers up the town lights it is pitch black. Something about the thick fog even makes the outdoor sounds seem muffled. I'm just glad that I have nice warm house to sit in and don't have to be out driving.
I am off tomorrow! I only work 4 days a week and used to be off on Monday. That got switched last week so this will be my first Friday off. Not sure how I'm going to like it. I always enjoyed Monday off because it was pleasant to know that Sunday was not the last day of my weekend. There's just something about having to get up on Monday morning and go to work! Wish I could sleep in a little later tomorrow but have to get my daughter and my grandson off to school. Maybe after everyone is gone I can have a mid-morning nap?? That would be a lovely treat!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Still Making Soap
While the soap's curing I'll be doing room/linen sprays, body/linen sprays, and lotion bars. I think that will be about it. Then I need to start working on my display. My sweet friend in Kansas, Sher, is giving me lots of ideas for that. She's the queen of display and marketing! But she'd never admit that.
Our weather still continues to be gorgeous! Lots of sunshine and dry weather. I'm enjoying every minute of it. But clear days mean cold and frosty mornings. One day this past week it was 28 here -- brrr! That's ok. I'll take that over rain any day!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
House Cleaning and Making Soap
I got a new toy yesterday! A soap cutter! This little baby is all stainless steel and will cut a perfect 1" bar of soap. I can't cut straight for the life of me. My bars of soap end up being bigger on one end or are all cockeyed. My new toy will alleviate that problem! And it will get good use in the next week or so as I have about 10 batches to do to get ready for a bazaar I'm in on December 1st. Plus lotion bars, milk bath, room spray, and anything else that I can fit in! Good thing I got the house cleaned because I don't here will be much of that going on until after the bazaar.
When I make soap I'm like a little kid on Christmas morning. I get all done mixing and pour it in the mold, cover it, and then try to wait. Last night before I went to bed I just had to take a peek to see what was going on under that blanket on my dining room table. It was still very hot but was in the gel phase so I knew that things were going as they should. This morning I had to take another peek. The soap was much cooler and starting to look solid. When I get home tonight I'll probably be able to unmold it and then use my new cutter. I can hardly wait! This batch is oatmeal, milk & honey and smells sooooo good! I'll post pictures tomorrow.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Full Moon

I did not take this picture -- it's one I found on the internet. The real moon in my SW WA sky is much more beautiful tonight. It shines it's bright light across the Fall landscape. There is a slight wind tonight and the leaves dance across the big empty field in front of my house highlighted by the moonlight.
As the dark evening progresses I can watch this moon as it moves across the sky. If I look out my back door about 11 PM it will be visible behind my house and shining brightly into the woods and across the back field. If I turn off all the lights in the house I have moonlight dancing across my kitchen floor as the light comes through the skylight.
If you can, go peek out your door tonight. See this beautiful moon that God created just for our pleasure and to light out way on a dark Fall evening.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Cuddly Pink Socks
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
My Sister Wants Fame
Diana is a late bloomer. While the rest of us have been on the internet for a long time, Diana is just dipping her toes into the "virtual water". It is great because now I get email from her! I sent her a link to my blog, which she just loves, and is now thinking of starting her own blog. Now if I could just get her to figure out eBay she'd be all set!
My growing up years with Diana were interesting, to say the least. Diana likes girly things now but as a child she was the tom boy. I was the "diva" as she likes to call me. I was the one who wanted to stay in the house, play with dolls, paint my fingernails, and not get dirty.
Our daddy was a blacksmith by trade. He had a shop that had a dirt floor. When Diana was a pre-schooler, and Mother worked, Daddy would take Diana to the shop with him. Diana would spend the day playing on the dirt floor. By the time she came home she would be black with dirt -- all you could see were her eyes. I, being the diva, did not want to be near her or touch her when she was covered in all that dirt. She would know that and make every effort to get near me, touch me, and chase me around threatening to touch me.
Diana is the baby of the family. To say that my sister was spoiled -- well I'll be nice. She was the cutest child -- one of those chubby little kids that you just wanted to squeeze! She had hair so blond it looked white, big blue eyes, and everyone was just enamored with her. She was quite good at throwing tantrums to try and get her way (she usually succeeded). Every year on the first day of school Mother would take us out in the side yard to get a picture. One other school tradition that Mother had was giving us home permanents. I don't think there's one first day of school picture where we didn't have fuzzy hair! I was in the third grade and Diana was starting kindergarten. I don't remember exactly what Diana got mad about but she was having no part of the picture taking for some reason. Mother begged and begged her to have her picture taken. Just about the time that Mother got ready to snap the picture Diana turned her back! So we have this nice first day of school picture with me facing the camera and Diana standing with her back turned and her arms folded across her chest!
My sister and I always fought like cats and dogs. We spent most of our childhood and our adult years being angry or jealous of each other. Then in 2003, when my dad passed away, something changed. As we were leaving the funeral dinner my sister looked at my brother and I and said "Please don't forget me. Please don't lose touch with me." Both of our parents were gone now and we realized that the three of us were all that was left. At that very moment I felt God saying to me "you need to change your attitude towards your sister." All the years of anger and jealousy melted away. I was determined to have a close relationship with my sister for the rest of our lives and try to make up for lost time. She needs me and I need her. After God, our families are the most important things that we have. I love my sister very deeply and am so grateful that we are now friends.
A special note to my dear sister because I know you're going to read this. I love you with all my heart and am so glad that you're in my life!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Autumn Memories

After we were all done playing Daddy would have to start raking again! But he never complained about it -- he enjoyed seeing us have so much fun. Then, as it would come on late afternoon, the leaves got moved to the ditch by our house to be burned. How much fun that was! Daddy would start the fires and then we'd ride our bikes in the street through the smoke. The smell of burning leaves was wonderful!
There are so few places that will let you burn leaves anymore. Too worried about air pollution or some such thing. Four years ago I made a trip back home in October. It had been many years since I'd been home in the Fall. I was driving through the little town I grew up in and smelled this very familiar scent. Someone was actually burning leaves! I had to drive down the street until I could find where they were burning. The sight and the smell brought back a wonderful flood of childhood memories!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Church In The Car
I'm driving along, listening to the local Christian music station, and enjoying my drink. Several good songs came on -- "Amazing Grace" (a new arrangement that is wonderful -- sorry I can't remember the artist) and then "Shackles". Well that one really got me going because it is gospel -- happy, hand clappin, foot stompin gospel!! Driving, singing to my Lord, raising one hand in praise (I kept the other on the wheel), and feeling so blessed! The Holy Spirit was in the passenger's seat and we were having church!!! What a wonderful way to start my weekend.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Away Too Long
Last Sunday and Monday I didn't get dressed until way late in the afternoon. I was really lazy both days and I don't like it when I'm like that. Then Monday night I had to start playing catch up with the laundry, picking up the house, etc.
Fall is finally here in all its glory! The leaves are turning and starting to fall off the trees. We had rain for about two weeks straight but it has been dry for the past two days. And by Sunday it's supposed to be 70. That will be the perfect day to go for a walk and enjoy the outdoors. It rains so much here in the winter that we have to take advantage of every dry day we can.
Hope you all are enjoying the wonderful Fall days! God bless!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
I started an online accounting class about three weeks ago. It's something I've been wanting to do forever. It's wonderful to be able to go to class in my pj's if need be! I've kept books for years but always on computer software. With this class I'm learning how to do books by hand and it sure helps you to learn the "why" of accounting. I got behind on one lesson when I was sick so had to get that made up today and take the quiz. Then the regular lesson was ready today so I worked on that tonight and took the quiz. I had two hours of homework today!
My beloved Chicago Cubs are in the playoffs! Tonight was the first game and they lost to the Arizona Diamondbacks. I have been a Cub fan my whole life. And that means I have suffered through every season my whole life. They have not been in a World Series game since 1945 and have not won a World Series since 1908!! If you're a Cub fan you're familiar with the saying "There's always next year." Could this be that "next year"? I hope with all my heart!!! But I suffered so through this first game that I don't know what I'll do if they actually make it to the Series. Another game tomorrow night -- I'm praying for a win!
Better get to bed. It's back to work tomorrow for this gal!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Hi Honey! I'm Home!
So I've moved back home to Blogger and that's where I'm staying. It's the last move -- I promise!!!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Feels Like Fall!
Since I'm in the Fall mood I decided to start adding some items to my Etsy shop. My lotion bars don't ship well in the summer due to the heat so I usually wait until September 1st to start offering them again. But I just couldn't wait.
I've also got lots and lots of Fall and Halloween items in the works plus new Autumn soap and linen spray scents. One of the things that I'm working on is primitive candy corn bowl fillers or ornies. These cuties will be made from muslin, hand stuffed, hand painted, and grunged up with coffee & cinnamon. I may have to add some glitter too! That's the only secret I'm letting out. You'll have to come back to see what else I'm working on.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Local Beauty
Tonight's supper will be stuffed peppers, fresh tomatoes, and pickled cucumbers. YUM!
I hope that you're all having a blessed and restful Sunday. Lots of hugs to you!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
My First Award

Quoting from the person that started this lovely award: "This award will be given to those that are just nice people , good blog friends and those that inspire good feelings and inspiration! Those that care about others, that are there to lend support, or those that are just a positive influence in our blogging world!"
Nice does matter! I wish I could list everyone because I have so many favorites. But today I'm honoring these 7 nice people. Be sure to click on the link to visit their blogs.
Jenny at Aunt Jenny's World
Beth at Bliss N Blossom Farm
Tina Michelle at Garden Goose
Tracey at On The Shores of Carpenter Creek
Shari at Shari's Gone Country
Mikki Jo at Strawberries n Apronstrings
Kathy at KT Knits
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Verse A Day
I love today's verse so much. "I waited patiently for the Lord ; he turned to me and heard my cry." Psalm 40:1 (NIV) Those that know me well know that I am not a patient person (Daughter #1 will read this and have a good chuckle over that statement!). I want it and I want it now! Sometimes that is how I lay my requests before the Lord. I tick off this list of things, say I'm praying for His will to be done, and before I've even said amen I'm wondering how long it will be before I get what I prayed for. I have struggled for years and years with this. But I discovered that when I pray and take my eyes off of the "things" to focus on God, it isn't so hard to wait! Everyone says that your spiritual walk is a process and lasts for your whole life. That is so true! I learn something new each day and mature a little more each day. By God's grace I'm learning to wait patiently.
The second part of this verse -- "he turned to me and heard my cry" -- just brings tears to my eyes. It is very humbling to me to think of my heavenly Father turning to me; bending his ear to hear my cries!! He will do this for every person that cries out to Him!! What a blessing!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
The Winner Is. . . .
Congratulations! Send me an email with your address and I'll get the book and soap sent right off.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
If I Could Just Fix It
I adore both of my grandsons but this little guy is so sensitive. He feels hurt so deeply and when he's upset his big blue eyes just fill up with tears. Then they just spill over onto his cheeks. I've never been able to stand it when he cries. He know that's one way to melt his Nana's heart.
Every time I think of him being in so much pain I just want to be able to fix it. I don't want him to hurt so much. I wish I could take the hurt for him but I can't.
I have been praying for him all day long. I know that time will lessen the pain but it will never completely go away. I just wish I could hug him and hug him to make it all better. And when I see him I will do just that. It may not make the pain better but he will know I love him.
My God is in control of this situation as he is in every part of our lives. I know that he will comfort my little guy and draw close. That is the part that always make it easier to walk through these hard times. God is the one true constant -- he will never change, he will never leave, and he loves my little guy more than I ever could.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Love My Blogging Friends
I have so many wonderful friends that I've made online the past couple of years. Most of them are my Farmgirl friends from the forum at MaryJane's Farm. I consider these gals as close a friends as my friends that live in the same town. In fact, some of these gals are kinder and more accepting than some of the friends I see all the time.
Each night I check to see what' s been happening during their day. I love seeing the pictures of homes, farms, gardens, projects, and families. I love hearing about quilts being made, jam being put up, what the children have been doing, and on and on.
I couldn't think of a more pleasant way to end each day!! Thanks to all of you for sharing your lives!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Mommy Daughter Afternoon

Daughter #2 and I had a fun afternoon. I decided this morning that we needed a little pampering -- called to make appointments for us for a pedicure at the local beauty school.
Not quite a fancy as a spa but our toes look nice and we got two pedicures for the price of one!
These cute toes belong to Daughter #2. I snapped this picture with my phone while we were doing some grocery shopping. She was not too happy about having a pic taken of her feet. Oh to be young again and have thin ankles!
Blog Giveaway!
Just in time for harvest season is a Kerr Home Canning and Recipe Booklet from the 70's. After you're done harvesting you'll need to get the garden dirt off your hands -- my Gardener's Peppermint Scrub Soap will be perfect for that. Aunt Bee's Mayberry Cookbook will give you ideas for preparing all those delicious foods from the garden.
So get busy, leave a comment, and come back on Sunday at 7 PM to see if you won!!
The Command Post

I talk so much about my front porch that I figured it was time that I posted a picture of part of it! This is the place were I sit every morning to have my coffee and enjoy the new day. Sometimes I'm there in the afternoon to enjoy the cool breeze. I sit and read, stitch, or just watch the many birds in the big open field in front of my house. In the late evening I'm here to rejoice in the cooling of the day and watch the beautiful sunsets. My family, lovingly and jokingly, refers to this space as "Mom's Command Post".
I've had the rocker for about 5 years now. When Daughter #1 owned her store we had a lady come in to consign the rocker. I feel in love with it! She wanted a purse so we bartered. I sewed a purse for her and carried the rocker home in my car.
Last Saturday was a major garage sale day in our little town. I saw the little wicker table and knew it needed a home beside my rocker. Now my little spot is just about perfect. All it needs is a plant for the table.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
I Wanna A Cool Blog Banner
Sorry -- I got off on a tangent! I'm whining because I want a cool blog banner. All the other gals have them (more whining). Dear Tracey from Carpenter Creek gave me some cool pictures for my other blog The Rustic Cottage. Thanks Tracey!! She's the banner and picture queen extraordinaire.
But I need something for this blog. If I could figure out how to make my own I'd have a new one on a regular basis. But I can't. I downloaded a free trial of Photo Shop. Well DUH! I could barely figure out how to open the program. So that one got deleted. I've tried Front Page but can't get that one to work either. What I need is a program that will let me manipulate pictures (more whining). I'm usually not one to let computer programs stump me. I'll keep trying until I figure it out. It's either old age or I'm lazy -- I'm perfectly willing to let someone else figure this one out and then tell me how to do it.
I know in the grand scheme of things this really isn't important. However, a girl does want her home on the web to look good.
On another note -- I'm getting better at text messaging! Read about that adventure here. An Old Dog Tries to Text Message
Okay, I'm done whining now.
Monday, July 23, 2007
This morning I was reading a Bible study profile of a woman named Anna. Her short story is in Luke 2:36-38. The first part of the profile reads:
"Anna got up and put on her clothes. God had given her another day of life -- another day to worship him and to pray! She was the most fortunate woman she knew. What would he tell her today? Whom would she meet in the temple? Every day was an adventure. Anna loved God, and she loved life!"
Anna was 87 years old. She was a prophetess who spent day and night at the temple. She worshipped God and waited for the arrival of the Messiah. She had been married for 7 years when her husband died and then never remarried. The rest of her days were spent in service to the Lord. This Anna was joyful in the task she was performing too!
As I read this passage this morning my first thought was that I want to be that joyful. Just to be happy for another day given to me by God. Another day to worship him and to pray! When my focus is on those two things the rest of my day will be great!
Now I have another reason to love the name Anna. When I think of that name each morning it will remind of this faithful woman who loved God and loved life! It will remind me to open my eyes and be excited that God has given me another day of life!!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Where Have I Been??
I've been running Daughter #2 around all over the place. Teenagers sure do keep you busy. I keep trying to tell her that we're trying to conserve gas, not see how much more we can use. But since we live outside of town and all her friends live in town -- therein lies the problem. For the first time I said I'd be glad when she finally got her driver's license. Then again????
Daughter #2 surprised me this week. I keep going along praying for her daily, trying not to pull my hair out at times, telling myself that this too shall pass. Actually it's not all that bad. She's a really good kid. Just sassy like her momma! She's had this "boyfriend" for about 3 months. Actually it's a nice young man from Utah that she talks to on the phone and emails. She's never met him but he's still her boyfriend, or so she says. Now before anyone has a fit about this just know that I've checked him out, talked to both of his parents, etc. I'm a very protective parent.
Yesterday she calls me at work to tell me that she thinks she's going to break up with this young man. I was the first one that she called and she actually asked for my advice -- go figure! She said that she liked him as a friend but just didn't want to be involved with any boys for a long, long time. She just wanted to hang out with her girl friends. I told her that I felt the first thing she should do is to pray that God would give her the right words to say and then pray for the young man. Ask that God would comfort him as he was going to be sad. Daughter #1 says "That's really good advice Mom. I'm going to go pray and will call you later." Well you could have knocked me over with a feather. She said I gave her good advice! Is it possible that she's beginning to think I'm not so bad after all?
Anyway, the break up went well. She and the young man are still friends and she says she feels good about the way she handled the conversation. Darn -- I must be starting to get through to her!!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
The Garden

I tried to imagine what it would feel like to have your soul be that sorrowful. I have known sorrow in my life but never like that. Jesus was human. He knew what lay ahead. And the human side of him did not want to have to go through it. Verse 39 says "Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will."
Luke 22:44 says "And being in anguish he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground."
The peaceful picture does not show this anguish. How hard would a person have to pray to even sweat, much less have it be as drops of blood? My heart was so burdened by what I read. It hurt me to think that Jesus was so sorrowful, that he did not want to be beaten, mocked, and then hung on a cross to die. But even as sorrowful as he was he was in complete obedience to his Father's will. Why would he go through this?? Why would he be so obedient??
For me! For you! He did it for the whole world! He took our sins on his shoulders, carried them to the cross, and shed His blood for us. And the remarkable thing is that if I was the only person in the whole world He would still have obeyed His Father's will and would have died just for me. I am so grateful for that.
Oh Lord, that I could be like you and be so obedient!! That is my prayer today!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Joyful Things
I'm joyful that it's cooling off tonight and there is a nice breeze blowing through the windows.
I'm joyful that Stephany did all her chores on the list today without even having to be told. She was so excited that she called me at work to tell me. I told her how proud I was of her. And when I came home from work I made sure to tell her how wonderful the house looked!
I'm joyful that I have a job to go to every day where the people are pleasant to work with and the atmosphere is low key.
I'm joyful that I had an air conditioned office to work in today.
I'm joyful that God loves me no matter how many times I mess up every day.
I'm joyful that I have a nice car to drive so that I can go pick Stephany up from youth group at church -- it's 8:30 and I'm supposed to be there right now.
Bye for now!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
A Different Direction
Last night I came across a blog that I feel has totally changed my life. Lives of Simplicity It was as if the Lord was speaking directly to me through this beautiful lady's writing. She has a large family and takes joy in her husband, children, and her home. Her blog is a place where she shares her faith and encourages other women through her writing and a study called Home MAKING.
For so many years I have felt burdened by my life, my family, and taking care of my home. Housework was something that I dreaded and it made me mad to have to do it. My family was an imposition on my time! I have not put Jesus, my family, or my home as first in my life. That's the way it should be!
It will be a long slow process to repair the damage that I've done to the relationships with my family. Luckily it is an instant process to repair my relationship with Jesus. All I had to do is repent and ask for forgiveness! Done, forgotten, and a clean slate is started!! How wonderful if everything could be that easy and that rewarding.
I want this blog to become a place of encouragement, peace, and learning for all those that visit! I'm building a "new" cottage -- please come back often to see the progress!
Monday, July 9, 2007
One Hundred and What????
I moved to Washington in 1985. Coming from Illinois, where the summers are hot and the humidity high, one of the first things you ask about a place is if it has air conditioning. When my prospective landlady told me that most people around here didn't have it because it wasn't needed, I couldn't believe it. The second thing you ask, especially if the place is out of town a ways, is if there are problems getting out in the winter. I asked that question because, at the time, the place I was renting was surrounded by empty fields, a barn, and many cows. I did not know that Vancouver, WA rarely gets snow. The lady looked at me like she was ready to call the white coat guys to come and haul me away.
In my defense, the first winter I was here we had a major snow storm of 4 inches -- at least that was major for here.
Now how did I get off on the snow thing when I'm supposed to talking about the impending heat? Maybe it's just wishful thinking.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007

But it's so much more than that. It is the birth of our country. Our day of independence. No matter what we say about the situations in our country, it is still the best place to live on earth. We are free here!
Thank you to the many who have, and are, serving in our Armed Forces so that I can enjoy this freedom! Thank you to those that gave their lives for my freedom!
God Bless America!!!!
Monday, July 2, 2007
Beautiful Summer Day
Thursday, June 28, 2007
A MeMe
Feel free to copy and add your own info. A link back to my blog would be appreciated!
1)Color: Pink
2)Food: Hot homemade bread with real butter
3)Musical Group: Don't Have A Favorite
4)Song Right Now: “Wonder” by Kelli Pickler
5)Movie: You’ve Got Mail
6)Sport: Baseball
7)Season: Spring
8)Day of the Week: Monday -- my day off
9)Ice Cream Flavor: Butter Pecan
10)Person: Both of my daughters
1)Current Mood: Happy
2)Current Scent: Rose
3)Current Clothes: Black capris, blue top, sandals
4)Current Desktop: Yellow tulips
5)Current Ringtone on Cell Phone: Fur Elise
6)Current Music: local country station
7)Current Time: 10:35 am Pacific
8)Current Surrounding: Sitting in my office – slow work day
9)Current Event Happening Today: Work
1)First Best Friend: Marcia Clark
2)First Kiss: Lowell Hettick when I was 8
3)First Screen Name: kayb528
4)First Pet: my dog Penney (cocker spaniel)
5)First Piercing: My ears at 15 (only piercing)
6)First Crush: Lowell Hettick
7)First Music: the Beatles
8)First Car: a '65 Pontiac Bonneville (BIG car)
1)Last Class: dont remember…LONG time ago
2)Last Drink: Coffee w/ hazelnut creamer
3)Last Trip: To Moscow, ID
4)Last Kiss: Don’t remember
5)Last Movie Seen at the Theater: Pirates of the Carribean III w/ my grandson Christien
6)Last Phone Call: Daughter Missy at 10:45 am
7)Last CD Played: Point of Grace
1)Have you ever dated one of your best guy friends? no
2)Have you ever broken the law? Yup
3)Have you ever been arrested? No
4)Have you ever skinny-dipped? Yes - still like to do it
5)Have you ever been on TV? Yes
6)Have you ever kissed someone you didn’t know? Yes
1) 1 thing you’re wearing: rosy pink toenail polish..none on my fingernails
2)1 thing you’ve done today: typed a letter
3)1 thing you’re bothered by: spiders
4)1 thing you can’t live without: Morning coffee w/ hazlenut creamer
5)1 thing you do when you’re bored: eat
1) England
2) Ireland
3) Italy
4) Texas
1) Elodie
2) Patricia
3) Missy
1)Black or White? Black
2)Hot or Cold? Cold
Have my own homebased business so I don’t have to work for someone else!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
No Wonder Babies Get Cranky. . .
There's not much to report because I haven't really done anything for two days. We've had beautiful weather for 3 days in a row. But it's supposed to be raining again by the weekend. Typical June weather on the west side of WA!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Never Mind!
Monday, June 11, 2007
An Old Dog Tries to Text Message
Now comes the era of text messaging on your cell phone. I watch these teens who have grown up with technology use their thumbs to type messages at a rate faster than the speed of light. How do they do that? I try to be cool and send a text message which takes me about 10 minutes to type one sentence! When texting you have to press each key on the phone until you get the letter you want in the message. Half the time I've got the message part way done and realize that I haven't pressed fast enough so the message looks like jibberish. I have to go the clear key to backspace to the mistake then start all over again! Then there's something that Grandson #1 tried to teach me about a setting on my phone that will put a word in if I type the first letter. Supposed to make my texting go faster -- NOT!! All the while, Daughter #2 and Grandson #1 are rolling on the floor in fits of laughter at my attempts to message.
Last night I signed our family up for a family share plan with unlimited text messaging. All of the people that have phones on our plan are over the age of 20 so we are all text impaired. Did I think that maybe just by signing up it would be make things easier and we'd all be text wizards?
This morning Daughter #1 calls me because she wants to download a new ring tone to her phone. You have to send a text message in order to do that. She and I are on the land line with our cell phones in front of us and I'm trying to walk her through how to do the text message. We get to the part where you have to enter a "1". In text mode when you push the one you don't get a one. You get all different kinds of punctuation marks. Daughter #1 asks if Daughter #2 (who is the text queen) is awake. I say no but am thinking of waking her so she can help us figure out this stupid text thing. Then Daugher #1 figures out that if you hold down the "1" you actually get the number one! We've made progess. The ring tone starts to download and then it says you have to click a link to get the tone. How in the world do you click on a link with your cell phone?
We both gave up. The ring tone is downloaded in the in box on her phone and we'll wait until Daughter #2 wakes from blissful slumber to get us out of this text nightmare.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Sunday Evening
Daughter #2 is back to her charming 13 year old self after her shots last week. Don't know what they put in those shots but she's been especially charming all week. No sullen attitude, no sassiness, she's been helpful around the house -- almost like another child invaded her body! Actually she's not that bad, she's just 13!
I had big plans to get lots done around the house. We woke up yesterday to one of those chilly, rainy June days in the Pacific NW. The kind of day that makes you sleepy and all you want to do is snuggle under a blanket on the couch. And that's exactly what I did! Gave myself permission to take the day off. Sure felt good!
More later! Time for bed!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Noodled Out!
Night everyone! More tomorrow!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
I made my list, checked it twice, and was off to Albertson's after work to get the ingredients. Got to the freezer case and no noodles. Not even the other popular brand that I feel isn't up to my discriminating noodle taste (I am desperate at this point so any would do). I march up to the customer service desk and the nice lady informs me that they no longer carry frozen noodles of any kind. I'm sure the look on my face was nasty as she backed up about a foot behind the counter. Out to the car I went and headed for Safeway. I just knew they'd at least have the other brand and I was getting desperate as it was approaching 5:00. Guess what? Safeway doesn't carry frozen noodles anymore either!! In this fast paced, pre-packaged world these two stores now expect me to start making homemade?? See the previous comment about shoe repair.
I had one last store to try before I gave up. Called Daughter #1, told her I was on a noodle hunt and on my way to the third store. She said "Mom why don't you just use the ones out of the bag." Good Lord! You don't take a sick person chicken and noodles made from bagged noodles. Frozen maybe, but not bagged. Made it to Fred Meyer's, hit the frozen food section, and there was a whole freezer case full of noodles! Hallelujah! I had struck gold -- on sale 2 for $4! Third store's a charm! Grabbed two bags and off I went to mother my sick child with "homemade" chicken and noodles.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Porch Sitting
A lot of the rest of the day was spent doing some housework, sitting on the front porch, doing laundry, sitting on the front porch, more sitting on the front porch. Are you starting to see a pattern here? When summer comes my porch is where I spend lots and lots of time. All my flowers got planted last Sunday so I have lots of pretties to look at while I sit.
From my vantage point, i.e. my white wicker rocker, I can see all the happenings in the neighborhood. Watch lots of cars go by as we're on a main road, check out what the neighbors across the street are doing, and just generally be nosy. Got ready to go to the store for hazelnut creamer for my late afternoon decaf and there was a police car blocking the end of the road. No traffic could turn on the road in front of our house. This meant more sitting as I had to observe what was going on -- plus I couldn't go anywhere because the street was blocked! The neighbor down the road called me to say there had been an accident in front of her house. She had been talking to the police and filled me in on all the details.
I called Daughter #1 to make a report and she said I reminded her of my dad! He always used to sit on his porch and watch what was going on. He and my step-mom lived across the street from the Illinois State Fairgrounds. For the two weeks of State Fair every August my dad had lots to watch and lots to report on. In our weekly phone call I would get the low down. Once, while going to take the trash out late at night he stumbled across a couple of tipsy fairgoers laying in the backyard being very friendly with each other. Then there was the time he caught a guy going to the bathroom in the bushes in the backyard. All would be reported with lots of laughter. We heard these two particular stories over and over many times.
Daughter #1 is right -- I am like my dad! But couldn't think of anyone better to be like. Now if it wasn't so dark outside I'd go sit on the porch and see what was going on. That's the problem with living in the country -- no street lights! But there's always tomorrow!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Twinkle Toes

Friday, May 11, 2007
Soaping Weekend

Tomorrow I'm going to try another batch of pumice hand soap. This one will be scented with Basil Lime. The last batch I did was a disaster. I added the pumice directly to the soap pot and it would not mix in no matter how much I stirred. When I cut the soap there were big pockets of pumice in the soap. I sent it to work with my husband to give away. This time I'll take out some soap, mix the pumice, then add to the pot.
Sunday will be Blue Bonnet. This is a fragrance I've had for a while and been wanting to use. I'm anxious to see how it turns out. In the middle of all this soapmaking I've also got to get some purses and aprons sewn up. The housework will have to be on the back burner for the next week. Oh well! Soapmaking and sewing are way more fun.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Sick Kids
She came home the next day and, thank God, is on the mend now -- ever so slowly. Missy and I are blessed to have such lovely friends. I made some phone calls on Sunday morning and people were there to help out with the animals, driving Christien to school, and more. Plus lots of prayers for her recovery.
Today daughter #2, Stephany, woke up with a very sore throat. Since she's had strep before so I decided to take her to the doctor for a throat culture. Sure enough it's strep. She's on penicillin and I'm sure will be back in the swing of things by Thursday. I'm going to talk to the doctor about having her tonsils out -- this is the 4th time she's had strep since last Fall.
On another note -- I think I may be getting a new digital camera for Mother's Day. That would be so cool. The one I have is about 5 years old and just isn't quite up to speed for the kind of pictures I want to take. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!